sibeh taichi i wana wish
SELAMAT HARI RAYA!Gosh this is totally not me.DAMN!I totally hate tis moment of errm watever.Shit tis sucks big time right now coz i'm having brainiacly tremor in tat
loose wires.Ah'ah!My little kitty's making me go GAGA.He's acting cute yawning and stretching his tiny winy paws.AAAARGHH GOTTA TICKLE HIM!hehexD K hello I'm jane.Half seventeen-eighteen year old Female.Chubby cheeks.Hi i'm jane blablabla..
Accept my extreeme insanity to those reading~ I gotta big ting rite up in my brain i guess coz DAMN I'M REALLY MOFG HAVING A BAD HEAD DAY.Ughh SORRY bloggers i really gota go now.Wait for my next levelheaded insanity journal !Kinder beuno ppl!;)
what we could have been, Thursday, September 24, 2009.
Momo is me.Momo is half seventeen-half eighteen.She doesn't fit in and she couldn't care less.Does things the way she wants it to be.This is a story about me.I take my time away and i see something and that's my story.ONE THINGS FOR SURE -ITS ALL ABOUT ME AS MOMO/JANE/MONAH.Welcome to the review of my life
what we could have been, Thursday, September 24, 2009.