
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Its been long since my last blogging!
Guess its time for a new change.
Wanted to create a new blog but too much of a hassle!
Anyways life has been like trekking.
Why i say so?
Precisely coz I've been many shits this few months.
Karma prollie!
But the exciting thing is I'm working for m1 soon~
But the term excited is short lived cz i wouldn't noe
if e job's tough or what.
The terrible thing is My-Highly-Ranked-Enemy works at e same place
Whereas my BESTFREN-FOREVER-LOVED works at D & S
Sounds pretty much weird
She says she has a briefing on thrsday hopefully she won't sweat
Wishing her more of e best rather than me
She's loved.
I just need money from my work
Wish me lucccccccccccccccks people!;)
How's my life?
First, im really having e worst months of my life
Second, i woke up brush teeth watch tv read text messages
The next thing i know Im on my couch sleeping
Third, tragic moment in life "Secondary School Buddy Falls For Me" Period
I encouraged u people reading my blog to bring in some chips
and Coke in case it tires u all.
In demand for the 1st stop, what do i meant by worst months?
The reason is I argued and hurled harsh comments/remarks to Azil
Due to his problems WHICH I GOT NO IDEA what e hell he wants from me
Its like Oh come on U woke up early in e morning, heading for ur hp
Check Inbox only to see FCUKING IRRIT MESSAGE from your guy
What would ur reaction be?
Definitely u'll be mad.
My case; more than mad - Volcano eruption
Wells he want to play with fire I'm the fire and he wanna get burn
Let It Be.Com
Recently been observing myself and found dat i've been more
patient than before
WHICH is after meeting my bestie
Credits to her.
But certain people doesn't cherish my patience and UNFORTUNATELY,
my patience has its limits and some people had exceeded e boundary line
Conclusion- Never hurt me Else I'll make my way to Hurt you more.
So for #2 now. My mundane daily routines
Besides if people asked me out WHICH for now Nobody has
My boyfriend's pretending he's single going out wif frens and hugging girls
Oh i'll get it too.
Im a lonesome for now judging from my daily routines
Hopefully bestie text me up I'd be more than Happy!
So for the last stop WHICH is Secondary-Buddy-Falling-For-Me thingy
Oh hell i guess it'll be a laughing stock from you people.
This dude was once in my ANTI-LIST cz he loves criticising my tooth
Used to be a tomboy and u know what tomboy does when She's pissed?
Answer- Punched the tummy and scolded right up his face
That leads to Not-On-Talking-Term days.
But hey we were young last time.
Oh how cute me
Surprisingly,which really suprise the hell out of my surprised term ;
-He Likes Me and Has been Searching for ME all Over FaceBook-
WHo wouldn't be stunned?
I am stunned and shocked!
No wonder the way he talk to me was different
Anyways let all this be in God's hand.
If fated,fated. If not? Find your fate.
I've learn too much from experiences.
Learn to love urself more than others!
Indeed I'm sad bout my relationship case
AND i know nothings gonna work up even after patching up
If dats e case, I'll move on.
Time to treat guy like junk back like e olden me
-Im your Momo not so pretty not so cute just an average little girl living next door-

what we could have been, Tuesday, October 05, 2010.


She doesn't fit in and she couldn't care less.
Does things the way she wants it to be.
This is a story about me.
Black and white makes up myself.


get one from cbox!
my kaki Gerek[Eddie] ELLY
September 2009 October 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 October 2010
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.